UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT: Sonic-Calabasas A., Inc. v. Moreno, No. 13-856, Brief Amicus Curia of Pacific Legal Foundation in support of Petitioner (2014)

SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA: Baltazar v. Foreever 21, Inc., S. 208345, Brief Amicus Curia of Pacific Legal Foundation in support of defendants and appellants (2013)

SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA: Sanchez v. Valencia Holding Co., S199119, Application to File Brief Amicus Curia and Brief Amicus Curia of Pacific Legal Foundation in support of Appellant (2012)

COURT OF APPEALS OF NEW YORK: In re Poughkeepsie Professional Fire Fighter's Ass'n v. New York State Pub. Empl. Rels. Bd., No 33, Amicus Brief, Brief in Response to Amicus Brief on Behalf of Respondents-Respondents New York State Public Employment Relations Board and Michael R. Cuevas as Chair of the New York State Public Employment Relations Board (2005)

SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS: East Texas Salt Water Disposal Co. v. Werline, No. 07-0135, Reply Brief: Appellant-Petitioner, Petitioner's Reply Brief on the merits (2007)

U.S DISTRICT COURT, EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA: Shany Co. v. Crain Walnut Shelling, Inc., No. s-11-112 KJM EFB, Brief by defendant in opposition to motion for preliminary injunction (2011)

U.S. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION: Matter of Certain Digital Video Recorders and Related Hardware and Software Components, Investigation # 337 TA 1103 (2018), Rovis Opposition to Comcast’s Motion for Summary Determination